Luca Bert

Hi! I’m Luca Bert, currently in my 4th year of a game development course, focusing on graphics programming. Welcome to my portfolio.

SVGF denoising which I worked on for On The Bubble

No denoising

Latest Projects

Personal project


My first experience with the theory of physically based rendering and creating a custom renderer

Personal project

Custom Shaders in Unreal Engine 5

Extending the Unreal Engine 5 rendering pipeline by creating a custom SceneViewExtension and shaders

University project


A 3rd year student project created in our custom cross-platform engine “Perry"

University project

On The Bubble

A 4th year student project with a focus on pathtracing and custom physics

Games have always been my passion and a few years ago I decided that apart from playing them, I also want to create them. In the first year of our studies we were tasked with creating a game using OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi. That's when I discovered graphics programming, lighting and shading in games.

Since then, I worked on renderer backends for Windows and the PlayStation 5, learning how various techniques such as rasterization and raytracing works, among others.

Apart from programming, my main hobbies are modular synthesizers, cooking and video games.

My favourite games include Factorio, Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption 2.



  • C++

  • HLSL

  • GLSL


  • Visual Studio

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Unreal Engine 5

  • Git, GitHub & GitHub Actions

  • Perforce

  • Blender


  • OpenGL

  • DirectX 12

  • PlayStation 5 Graphics API